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Climate Analysis and Modeling Laboratory


Our group

Climate Analysis and Modeling (CAM) Laboratory wants to understand how Earth Climate System has been working so far and is going to change in the coming years.

I have a broad research interest in climate variability and change in various spatial and temporal scales with a focus on evaluating its impact on natural and human systems. During my graduate works, I heavily engaged in diagnostic analysis using observation, reanalysis, and climate model outputs. During my postdoc era, I move further into Earth System Model and climate change impact research. Currently, I’m heavily engaging development and application of Earth System Model on variety of problems. I'd like to use both diagnostic analysis and modeling as a corroborative tool in such a way that what we observe or have observed can be dynamically and physically explained by Earth System Model or physical/dynamical principles. Also, physical climate, ecosystem, and human system have to be understood as a whole, not only in the area of global warming, but also in a more broad perspective. In the near future, I'd like to research how human being can be incorporated into Earth System Model as both an active and a passive player.

Opportunities of graduate study and postdoctoral research

We are currently recruiting all levels of undergraduate/graduate interns, MS, Ph.D students, researchers and postdoctoral researchers. If you are interested in, please contact me through email (yjinho@gist.ac.kr).