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Ultraprecision Machine System Lab.



Research Achievements

게시물 검색
목록으로 번호, 제목, 작성자, 조회수, 등록일, 첨부파일로 나열 되고 있습니다.
번호 제목 작성자 조회수 Date Files
16 Compact Measurement of the Optical Power in High-Power LED Using a Light-Absorbent Thermal Sensor Youyoung Kim 1,123 2021-07-12  
15 Effect of the Fiber Direction and the Radial Cutting Width on the Flank Wear in End Milling of CFRP Ultraprecision Machine System Lab. 733 2021-06-04  
14 Novel real-time estimation method for the time-dependent surface heat flux Youyoung 2,309 2019-09-11  
13 Automatic lapping machine for large work surface Youyoung 2,290 2019-07-01  
12 Highly efficient machining technology of digital image on the mold metal surface Youyoung 1,653 2019-07-01  
11 Highly efficient phosphor for LD driven head lamp Youyoung 1,645 2019-07-01  
10 Liquid cooling of LD driven head lamp Youyoung 1,304 2019-07-01  
9 6-DOF motion error measurement Youyoung 1,337 2019-07-01  
8 Precision Instrumentation 전체관리자 1,547 2018-11-22 파일명 : 20181227_153128.png
7 Thermo-mechanical system 전체관리자 236 2018-11-22 파일명 : 20181227_153052.png
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